The LTD Program
Take the next step as a leader and follower of Christ.

The Leadership Training and Discipleship Program is a three-year, experiential learning program for High School students. During their three years, students are mentored in personal development, spiritual disciplines, leadership, communication, teamwork, and acts of justice and mercy through experiences in spiritual formation, cabin leading, mountain hiking, and more. The program exists to disciple students to encounter God as life-long, transformed participants in the Kingdom.
Throughout the program, students will develop seven core competencies: Biblical literacy, identity, critical thinking, communication, practical leadership, Christian practice, and integrated living.

The Vision of the LTD Program
The key elements of the LTD program are mentorship, leadership, and community. As students progress through the program they are expected to carry more and more of the load until in level 3, the expectation is for them to lead and for their staff mentor to just be there for support. We believe that the students should be encouraged to try new things and be allowed to grow (and fail) through the process. We teach them to lead by creating space for them and allowing them to be leaders, we teach them about God by creating space where they are focused on Him, and we teach them about the Bible by creating a space where it is lived out in community.
The Cost of the LTD Program
The LTD program is a group fundraising model. This allows the LTD program to remain affordable for families, sustainable for the camp, and continues to maintain excellence in its quality. It also instills a heightened level of ownership, engagement, and learning accountability in our students. Many of our LTDs fundraise from friends & family or they detail cars, mow lawns, bake cookies or work in some other way to pay for this program.
Each LTD is required to fundraise a minimum of $1750/student per year, while the target fundraising goal for each student is $2500. $300 is due upon acceptance, and the balance of the fundraising is due June 28 (the first day of LTD Week). This cost is an incredible bargain. It includes an extended week of camp called LTD Week, an incredible week-long Out Trip either canoeing, backpacking, or white water rafting week-long practicums at Gull Lake during the summer, and 3 weekend camps during the year that are focused on goal-setting, leadership including a celebration/graduation.
We as a camp will absolutely assist with the fundraising process by helping to orchestrate some fundraising initiatives, including the “Conquer the Camp” Adventure Race held each fall.
Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding fundraising. As always, we are committed to ensuring finances are never a barrier to coming to camp.

Support the LTD Program or provide for a specific student
Our LTD program depends on the hard work of our students and the generosity of people who see the value in investing in young leaders financially.
To donate to a specific LTD student enter their name in the comment section.
If no student’s name is given, we will designate your donation to the student with the greatest need.

A Year in the Life as an LTD
LTD Week
Summer begins with LTD week which is a training week set aside specifically for the LTDs. Each level of LTDs will be taught by high caliber speakers specializing in curriculum for that specific level. During the week students are also mentored by staff to help them navigate the week as they are taught about the Bible, spirituality, personal development, leadership, and how camp runs. Of course, this is still camp – so you can expect tons of ridiculous fun as well! Prepare to get messy.
During the summer each student will be required to serve, at minimum, one week-long volunteer practicum at camp where they are assigned to a staff mentor, doing the job that the mentor does. This may be leading a cabin, running the climbing wall, taking photos, or doing any other job that happens at camp. Practicums are where training hits the road as LTDs learn to serve and lead those that Gull Lake cares for.
Out Trips
Each summer, every level of LTDs participate on an “out-trip” - a week-long trip away from camp. The out-trips include a backpacking trip in the mountains, a river canoe trip, and a white water rafting trip. These trips help students learn about God, each other, and the world around them. It is a time of significant connection for the LTDs to journey with other youth who are also pursuing God.
Fall, Winter, and Spring Retreats
There are 3 weekend retreats held year-round for all three levels of LTDs. Retreats are a time to gather, support each other, foster community and have heaps of fun. See the dates of upcoming retreats down below.
Throughout the year all LTDs are required to meet regularly (at least once a month) with an adult mentor who will offer support, challenge the student, and pray for them.
LTD Projects
As an LTD you can also expect to have a small number of projects assigned or ‘badges’ to be earned throughout the year intended to help you go deeper in your discipleship and leadership training. These may include readings, community service projects, or public presentations. We understand that students often lead busy lives in addition to their school work, therefore we do our best to not make projects extremely time-intensive outside of the summer. However, LTD applicants should be willing and able to make time for these projects throughout the year – contacting their leaders should the time commitment become too much.

Things to know!
2025 LTD Program:
LTD Week: June 28-July 4, 2025
LTD Out-trip Week: July 6-11, 2025
LTD Practicum Weeks: July 13- August 15
LTD Fall Retreat: September 19-21, 2025 (7pm Friday to 1:30pm Sunday)
LTD Winter Retreat: January 9-11, 2026 (7pm Friday to 1:30pm Sunday)
LTD Spring Retreat: May 8-10, 2026 (7pm Friday to 1:30pm Sunday)
To apply you must fill out an application form and provide the name and email addresses of your references.
Applications will close on February 15.
After this date, we will be filling the program and conducting interviews. You may apply after this deadline and if there is still a spot and if you are a good fit for the program, we will contact you.Level 1 students need to provide contact info for 3 references; one from each of the following:
A pastor or youth leader from their church
A parent or guardian
One other adult
Level 2 and 3 students need one reference from each of the following:
Their mentor
A pastor from their church
A parent or guardian
If you have any questions you can contact us for more information!
Students currently in grade 9 are the ideal age to enter Level 1 of the program. Students currently in grade 10 may also be considered.
You bet! LTDs will receive a discount for attending Sr Teens as campers.
Students at minimum will be required to be at camp for 3 weeks of their summer: an LTD training week, one week on out trip, and one week volunteering in practicum, however many LTDs enjoy serving multiple practicum weeks and prefer to be at camp as much as possible! Students are also expected to attend 3 weekend retreats during the fall, winter, and spring. Additionally, assigned projects may take 10-40 hours spread throughout the year.
After you apply, our Program Manager, Carrie, will contact you to schedule a follow-up zoom interview. If and when you are accepted into the program, you will receive an acceptance letter with more information. Before you know it, it will be summer break and time for LTD Week, where you will first meet your Level peers and leaders!
We would still love to receive your application. If you don’t have a pastor or youth pastor who is able to give you a reference, another leader who has walked with you in your faith may be acceptable. Contact us to find out more about reference alternatives.