Advent Retreat
Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2024
All ages
Note: All kids must be accompanied by an adult.
Come with your family, as a couple, or with some friends to enjoy the refreshment and laughter that comes with community.
This weekend is a sacred time to pause and center ourselves before the Christmas season. If you’re looking to slow down, take a deep breath, laugh a lot, enjoy friends, and focus deeper on Christ… this is the weekend for you. It’s open to all ages and stages.
What to Expect
Meal Times
We offer a snack for everyone on Friday night arrival. Breakfast is ready at 8:30am, lunch is served at 12:30pm, supper is at 5:30pm, and there is an evening snack as well. We also have a cereal breakfast available for the kids that are early risers, and coffee and hot chocolate are always available to help yourself. The tuck shop will be open for anyone after lunch.
We have chapel sessions once in the morning and once in the evening. These are reflective in nature and focused on Christ. We’ll begin our chapel sessions with everyone together for worship and some fun songs. Then the adults will stay for a session time and our staff will run a program for anyone under age 18. We will offer a nursery for the babies, a chapel for kids, devotional for tweens, and a session for the teens. Parents will pick-up their kids after chapel times in the instructed locations.
Outside Time
A key part of the camp experience is getting outside! So we will definitely be outside for the afternoon. Weather permitting, the ice rink will be up and running. We’ll likely venture down to the frozen lake. You’re welcome to bring skates, helmets, hockey sticks, cross country skis, snowshoes, and be ready to build forts and make snow angels. You are also welcome to stay inside by the fire and play board games for the afternoon.
Sleigh Ride & Campfire
In the evening after supper, we’ll go Christmas caroling on a tractor wagon and tour around the camp. Be ready to bundle and be warm because this time is definitely worth it! We’ll have hot chocolate and a campfire to enjoy as well.
Free Time
There is lots of free time during this retreat! We have a schedule we’ll stick close to. But everything is optional. You can attend whatever aspects of the program you like. The schedule exists to serve you and create an enjoyable retreat experience.
Things to bring:
Sleeping Bag & Pillow
Facecloth/ Towel
Toothbrush/ Toothpaste
Soap/ Shampoo
Bible, Notebook, & Pen
Camera or Device for Pictures
Skates and Helmets
Toque & Mittens
PJ’s & extra socks
Long Pants/ Jacket/ Sweats
Winter Coat & Snow Pants
Water Bottle
Indoor & Outdoor Shoes
Optional: Bring Your Thing! (cross country ski’s/snowshoes, guitar/instrument, board games, anything…)
Frequently asked questions
Parents are responsible for their kids at all times during the retreat. Our staff will offer separate programming for kids of all ages during chapel times.
The $25 minimum deposit is non-refundable. The remaining balance is refundable if registration is cancelled at least 2 weeks prior to the start of camp. Refunds are not available after that point.
Sure thing. Our talented partners at HT Catering are able to accommodate all dietary restrictions. Please give specific instructions regarding your food allergy or restriction using the online registration form.
Questions? Contact us at camp@gulllakecentre.ca.